LUNDAHL Transformers Homepage


Lundahl Factory Picture

About the company



Lundahl Chokes

Plate Choke

Power Choke

Grid Choke

Heater Choke

PCBs for Phono

Phono Applications with Lundahl transformers.No more difficulties or problems, clean wiring, and all options.


PCBs for Small Signal

Phono Applications with Lundahl transformers.We have a PCB for almost every common transformer.

Small Signal


PCBs for Tube Output Transformers

Phono Applications with Lundahl transformers. Switched impedance and clean wiring

Output SE / PP / PPZ

Inter Stage, medium and large Signal

Phono Applications with Lundahl transformers.

Lundahl has a magnificent series of universal, signal transformers. There is nothing like it from any vendor, which is so universal.

These transformers are programmable, which is done by re arranging the many windings. These are the "Alt" configurations by the data sheet.

Since these transformers have PCB pins anyway, we developed this programmable Board for it, which fits nicely on the transformer.

Interstage & Line


Mains Transformers

Mains Transformers

Mains Cleaning

Housings for Transformers

Silver Wound Transformer