ReadMePS.txt There are a few power supply schematics available on this page. Note that all schematics on these pages are (c) Copyright, 1996-1998, Steve Bench. All rights reserved. You may use or build these FOR YOUR OWN use freely. You may NOT build and/or sell for commercial profit, any of these without a royalty agreement in place with the author. You may place these schematics on your web page if you credit the author. Note that high voltages are present in these power supplies. The author IS NOT RESPONSIBLE for ANY injuries, damages, etc. associated with construction, or use of these supplies. LVPS.GIF: This is a B+ (HT) generating power supply that runs from 12 volts DC. This can be used to power a preamp or small power amp from 8 "D" cell alkaline batteries. It provides about 160 to 170 volts of relatively well regulated high voltage up to about 70-80 mA. You can also use this supply in conjunction with a "wall wart" to keep all 50-60 Hz from your equipment. The theory of operation and useful design modification information is covered in LVPS.TXT. This is also appropriate if you want a B+ supply for powering your tube car stereo. LVPS.TXT: Covers the theory of operation of the low to high voltage power converter. Also describes the limitations and how to change the circuit to deliver higher voltages and/or currents. SUPPLY1.GIF: Relatively simple regulated power supply to provide 150V DC (regulated) at about 30 mA and 6.2VDC (regulated) at about 0.6A for preamps etc. This supply is great for powering the electronic crossover described elsewhere on these pages. SUPPLY2.GIF: Slightly more complicated high voltage regulator that will provide a user variable source of regulated 120 to 200 or so volts DC at 40 or so mA. Also provides 6.2VDC regulated at about 0.6A. SUPPLY3.GIF: Power supply for providing a reasonable power, well filtered set of voltages for a preamp and/or power amp. Uses solid state regulators.