Did you know this?

These numbers I have collected just from anywhere. I try to give the source when I remember it

  Elevator accidents. In the USA, two third off all children say they remember to be captured by an elevator door at least once. Officially reported cases from 1990 until 2004 count a total of 20900 children caught between an elevator door. From these reported cases, a number of 2048 small children below four years were injured seriously, while the door closed, and separated the child violently from the parent. Source: Medical group of Dr. O' Neill, from Indiana University in Indianapolis, June 2007.
Imagine yourself floating around in a spaceship, at zero gravity. You are holding a hammer, and when you let it go it floats around, same as you. Things have no weight in space. Now take this hammer and knock yourself on the thumb. Do you think it can hurt your thumb? After all the hammer has zero weight in space.

Th Art of war, was written by the Chinese strategist, and highest leader of the Chinese army, Sun Tzu, 2500 years ago. This old book is standard literature at any military academy of the world. Sun Tzu explains of course how to make an army strong, but he pays very much attention to not wasting power to useless expeditions. He warns not to attack an enemy which is stronger. It may seem so logical, but just look back into WW2. Japan attacking the USA at Pearl Harbour, under Sun Tzu would never have taken place. Also he warns that geographical distance is an under estimated factor. The further away, the more people you loose, and the higher the cost for food and supply. So distance, time, speed and costs, it all works against you. Moreover, he warns not only in general for this, but he requires very clear calculations, to be shown to the emperor before the attack begins. So the emperor can commit to the costs and time schedule. Hitler's march to Stalingrad, under Sun Tzu also would never have taken place. That is because he had one fixed condition, before taking over the responsibility, and that is he must be 100% in command. So any expedition, he can not win, he will not even start it, by his own principles. What a man that was!

He also says this, expressing his sense of dry humor: During war times, there is function in the army for every kind person. The intelligent people should not be send to dangerous places. Without those, you can not win a war, so their lives must be spared. The normal people have their place at the battle field, because they carry out commands reliable. The stupid people have their function at the most dangerous places, because they do not fear death.

Why is the earth so hot inside? It may seem strange at a first thought, but the inner core is thermally isolated from the outer layers exceptionally well, by the outer layers itself. The isolation material is just rocks, and one would object, rocks don't isolate very good. Actually over 100 meter thickness, thermal resistance is as high as any 20cm layer of isolation used in buildings. Thermal resistance is just serialized like any resistor, and it follows Ohm's law. After thousands of kilometers, the thermal resistance becomes so high, it takes millions of years for the heat of the core to get out. For sure is, the core is today so hot, it is in liquid state. So how come? Is perhaps some heat GENERATED there? Some say yes. The small content of Radio Active material, present in all rocks, does indeed decay slowly, and any decay produces a small quantity of heat, which can not get out. So when more heat is generated, as conducted to the outside, it warms up the core. Leading to the thermal balance we have today. Here is something, which points in this direction too. In Africa, in the state of Gabun, there is the Oklo Uranium mine. During mining, they came at a place, contaminated by decay products, of the kind which are only formed by decay of Uranium, in the form of a nuclear reaction. Moreover, Uranium content of that rock is lower.
How to get old. I spend the first half of my life destroying my health, and the second half trying to save what was left of it. Source: Archimedes, Greek philosopher.

Radio Activity. 90 years ago, the use of radioactive substances in food and drugs was not unusual, and they thought the radiation would do you good. Later they found out this was a mistake The final product that it was banned from was toothpaste, in 1930. Do you think these are mistakes from the past? In 1980 the use of lead for packaging materials of food and drugs, was worldwide banned. Here comes a few of those mistakes that will be in future history books:

  1. Leaded gasoline was completely normal until 2002.
  2. Glyphosate is still legally sold on Ebay in 2021.
Question to Bill Gates. I saw this one on TV myself. It was an interview with Bill Gates, quite long ago. They asked him, What was the most unexpected thing your company ever experienced? Answer: The internet. He even pronounced it wrong. He pronounced it the "inner-net".
A compromise. I was told this by an optics teacher. The more perfect a camera objective is, the more lenses it needs to have. Each lens solves one or more problems, but causes another problem, that is smaller. So you need another correction lens and another. That can be done of course, and you may have noticed the enormous size of professional camera lenses. However, each lens causes a small fraction of light loss. So the result is, a theoretically "Ideal" objective has an infinite high number of lenses, and for that reason will pass no light.
Talking animals Dolphins are given a name by their family. It's a whistled, ultrasonic sound which they use to address him. And sure he knows his own name of course,. When a dolphin meets a new group of dolphins, he introduces himself by whistling his name.
Worldwide 500.000 people die each year of lung cancer, of which 98% are smokers. Let me know if you need any help with statistics.

Albert Einstein. The formula E=Mc^2 was discovered was proven by a French person named Poincaré. Much before that, an English scientist set this up as an 'expectation', because it matched his findings of relativity effects, with a self made particle accelerator. But he had no proof. PoincarĂ©, one of the most brilliant mathematicians ever, was puzzled by this, and he was able to prove it, using scientific work of Lorenz for this. In his first book about relativity, Einstein, who was a poor mathematician, was hiding all of this. Not saying he invented it, but doing as if. In his later books, he makes the shortest possible reference to Lorenz, and not credit him.


What is a coincidence? The following, if time existed since ever before, and will never stop, we could not say it. But time in our universe began at the big bang, and it will have an end also. So whatever happened, or will happen, is placed somewhere on that time scale somewhere in between the beginning and the end.

Our planet Earth's lifetime is approximately at half now. So the first half is used up, and another half is yet to come. This means for something with an incredible low chance to happen, you can not just wait long enough (for ever) and eventually it will happen. Time is limited, so it may also not happen.

Based on this, mathematics say, if something on earth has chance of lower than 1:10^50, it will not happen at all. (So a one with 50 zeroes). Also this number of 1: 10^50 means following: The chance our DNA material was formed by coincidence, is zero, since the complexity of DNA exceeds this number by far.

Now, you probably stop here, saying where is the proof, where is the calculation. The person who gave me this idea, described it to me once like this: Suppose you take apart a house, and put each stone and little piece into an airplane, and fly over the place where the house used to be. Then you throw out the first brick, and by coincidence if falls on the ground in the right position. Sure, this can happen. A brick has only 6 sides, and if it doesn't break you have a chance of 1:6. That's quite an acceptable chance. Now you throw out the second brick. You aim it as good as you can, and with some coincidence, it falls exactly on the right position too, just beneath the first brick. Can this happen? Well chances are extremely low, like a one in a billion. But yes it is possible, and a billion is just 1:10^9 so not impossible (as 1:10^50 is). So let's just say yes, it's an extreme coincidence, but indeed there is a certain chance, and we say one in a billion can happen, and we do not spoil this story. Now we throw the third brick. And another one, and this takes too long. So we throw the whole stuff out of the airplane, all bricks and light switches of the house, the bathtub and whatever. Now it falls on the ground and by coincidence, all on the right position, and you have the house again, the way it was. This is very unlike of course, but we want to talk about an extreme coincidence. When talking about coincidence, how big is this chance? Now I reverse this, when somebody says it is NOT POSSIBLE AT ALL. If I hold against that, this chance is small, extremely, extremely small, you probably would say, if the change is too small, it will never happen, no matter how may times you try. And it is exactly this which is expressed by the number 1:10^50.

Still some people have no other explanation, our DNA was formed by coincidence. Now if I compare the building plan of my house with the building plan of a DNA molecule, it looks like this: The building plan of my house is printed on 12 sheets of paper. For printing the DNA code of a human body cell, in small printing, you would need a five meter long row of books. Its called the human genome. Then in those books is only a bulk of code, not the explanation how it works and what it can do. So together with the five row of books with code, it would need another, perhaps even much longer row of books along with it, describing how the DNA works in full detail.

Of course it is accepted if someone says he cannot explain where DNA code comes from. Neither do I, but I think it is invalid to say it was formed by coincidence. You need to look at the complexity of those molecules, look at the mathematical situation, and calculate the chance that all this was formed by coincidence. Like you cut out all letters of a five meter long row of books, you throw out all those millions of letters from an airplane, and when it falls on the ground, all letters fall in the same position as they were. Now THAT is what it needs for such a coincidence.

Then you will soon see that 1:10^50 is not enough. And you see, even when 1:10^50 was enough of a coincidence, what rests you then, is the logical conclusion, the chance it was NOT a coincidence is calculated as: 1-(1:10^50). That can be written as 99,99999.... percent. You need to write 50x a nine.

  Die in a Car Accident. In Europe, you have a chance of 1:156 to die in car accident. So not get injured, but die. This is not a joke! Here is the statistical proof.

Communist money. In 1989, the DDR Republic (East Germany) was re-united with West Germany. Their money become invalid, and could exchanged in valid West German currency. In turned out then, that 60% of the money was on 10% of the bank accounts. Same as in capitalism.