A new Electric Age is coming

Many new electric applications are now the beginning of a new age!


THIS IS NOT A JOKE. A link to the original text is given at the end of this article.

An extract:

We will have 'smart homes' with all functions automatically controlled. There will be flat television screens on the walls, and the heating systems will be a so called heat pump, which generates heat from the outside air, and it can even cool the house in the summer.

The highways will be electrified, and speed and steering will be automatically controlled by electronic systems along the road. The driver does not have to watch the road any more, making travelling safer. There will be no more collisions or traffic jam, and no more driver fatigue. Driving will be more enjoyable!

It is expected, the electricity consumption is going to double in the next 10 years, and power companies are already preparing now, instead of waiting for government decisions.

Found in: LIFE Magazine. Jan 1956. (Page #4)


Predicting the technical future is one of the most difficult things there is. That is for a few reasons.
  1. It requires a degree of technical understanding, many of the self proclaimed future predicting specialists have never bothered in their lives to achieve this. So they babble about future technologies, but any first year student would have a good laugh about their technical level.
  2. The most unpredictable is politics. This sector is full of lying professionals. The people in most countries are to blame for it themselves. Even In a real democracy, political parties, who proved to have lied about their promises, get simply re-elected when they just make promises even better than the ones before. For them it works as simply as that, and they know it. So with the destiny of your country, put in the hands of a such liars, do not expect them to make decisions which will be proven wise, after 10, 20 or 50 years.
  3. A trick, investment advisors know very well, works like this: If you say when, do not say what. And if you say what, do not day when. Such kind of predictions are often made, and they are worth nothing. Nostradamus was the best. He predicted almost anything, but he never said what and when.